Ritupon Gogoi
Ritupon is based in Assam in India and has over 20 years of hands-on experience in community development in both urban and rural settings. He has been the Executive Director of the Foundation for Social Transformation for the last 5 years, where he has worked with grassroots organisations and donors to promote local philanthropy and tackle social problems and needs in his community including gender and patriarchy, conflict transformation, and protection of the environment.
Ritupon’s fellowship focuses on finding ways to support young people in marginalised communities to recognise and address the growing problem of alienation and exclusion. In a conflict prone region like Northeast India, young people are particularly important activists and advocates for social justice and conflict transformation. Ritupon will develop approaches to support activism and advocacy amongst young men and women in his community, developing learning that can inform future programming within the Foundation for Social Transformation.
The Fellowship Programme
Based in Assam, India