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Michele Prado
Michele Prado is a researcher and activist in combating online radicalisation and violent extremism in Brazil and around the world. She is the founder of the NGO Stop Hate Brazil, focused on combating far-right extremism and also works with the ’Monitoring the Political Debate in Digital Media’ research group at Universidade de Sao Paulo (USP).
Michele produces free content on online radicalisation, the prevention of both violent and non-violent extremism, and online terrorism. Additionally, she works on a voluntary basis, providing consultancy support to Brazilian public security agencies, civil society groups, and the Brazilian government to prevent online extremism and the challenges it poses to Brazilian society.
During her fellowship she will further her research on radicalisation and extremism and use the findings to launch a website dedicated to preventing online radicalisation and fighting online extremism and terrorism. This website will host a database of information on extremist groups in Brazil, symbols and reports and articles on how to identify and prevent radicalisation. Additionally, Michele will host a series of online and in person lectures and produce materials for schools and religious settings.
The Fellowship Programme
Based in Bahia, Brazil