Clare Wightman
SCI Mentee
Clare is the founding CEO of Grapevine Coventry and Warwickshire, England. Grapevine uses asset-based, narrative and connecting approaches to transform people’s lives.
Under her 10 years of leadership, Grapevine has become the ‘go to’ organisation for training and support in asset-based community development for people with learning disabilities.
Originally a charity of and for disabled people, it works with local people experiencing poverty. Clare has also developed a community based approach to citizenship for young undocumented migrants in collaboration with the local Law Centre providing holistic support and extensive outreach to young migrants.
Clare was inspired to create the Young Migrant Rights (YMR) project after reading Young Foundation’s Sinking or Swimming Understanding Britain’s Unmet Need (2010) and PHF’s No Right to Dream.
Mentoring Programme
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